Media Release - Labor will deliver $40,000 for the Swan Districts Football Club

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A Shorten Labor Government will invest $40,000 in the Swan Districts Football Club to deliver the Youth Outreach Art Competition as part of their Swans in the Community program.

This election is a choice between Labor’s commitment to deliver for our local community or more cuts and chaos under the Liberals.

The Swans in the Community outreach program which has been delivering a range of outreach programs as part of the Club’s growing community engagement strategy.

This Art Competition will complement the success of the Club’s outreach. It will include students from 70 schools across the Swan Community to participate and promote the theme of ‘respect’ amongst students and the community.

The project will include staff and players, along with representatives from the local Indigenous, CALD, disability and police communities to deliver the message of respect.

Member for Perth, Patrick Gorman, said enabling local football clubs to engage with the community was a win for everybody.

“This program encourages children to engage with the importance of respecting others and respecting themselves. It is important we deliver messages of respect and learn about diversity in our community.

“Working with the Swan Districts Football Club to create a community culture of inclusion is an important part of educating not just our children, but our broader community.” Mr Gorman said.

“I look forward to working with the Swan Districts Football club and our community on this project and many more in the future.”

This election is a choice between Labor’s commitment to delivering sporting facilities or more cuts and chaos under the Liberals.


Patrick Gorman