Media Release - Labor will deliver $100,000 for Activate Perth

Patrick Gorman MP with State Member for Perth John Carey, Happy, Healthy Hoops founder Bree Kirk-Burnnand and Activate Perth Chair Di Bain

Patrick Gorman MP with State Member for Perth John Carey, Happy, Healthy Hoops founder Bree Kirk-Burnnand and Activate Perth Chair Di Bain

A Shorten Labor Government will invest $100,000 in Activate Perth to help build start-ups and small business and bring new life to the Perth CBD.
This election is a choice between Labor’s plan to bring new life to the Perth CBD, or bigger tax handouts for the top end of town and cuts and chaos under the Liberals.
Perth’s office vacancy rate is currently one of the highest of any capital city in Australia, leading to declining business activity for operators.
Activate Perth is a not-for-profit association working to ensure Perth is a liveable city with an engaged, active, vibrant and connected community.
It works to fill empty retail and empty spaces by negotiating free monthly, rolling leases for small start-up businesses and not-for-profit enterprises.
By providing much needed support for Activate Perth Labor’s activation grant will enable tourism and local community activation across the Perth CBD.
Labor’s WA campaign spokesperson, Madeleine King, said the Activate Perth project will benefit all of Western Australia – especially young Western Australians.
“Boosting tourism and supporting small business is one of Bill Shorten and Labor’s priorities for the Perth CBD.
“Scott Morrison and the Liberals have ignored Perth for the last six years. Bill Shorten and Labor know that backing local business and entrepreneurs will bring new life to the Perth CBD.
“I also know young people who feel like they have the next big innovative idea, but no way or space to make it start happening, are going to benefit from Labor’s commitment,” Ms King said.
Member for Perth, Patrick Gorman, said that providing this much needed boost to Activate Perth would offer a number of benefits for the local community.
“This partnership with Activate Perth will revitalise our CBD, engage small business and foster community connections across Perth.
“Working with Activate Perth, who have been leaders in engaging and innovating our inner Perth community, is an important step towards building a world class city and putting Western Australia back on top,” Mr Gorman said.
It is clear Western Australia and Perth has been taken for granted by the Liberals for too long.
After six years of Liberal cuts and chaos, our united Labor team is ready to deliver a fair go for all Australians.


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