Media Release - Labor to Bolster Security for Jewish Centre with $500,000 Upgrade Boost

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Federal Labor will bolster security for the Jewish Community Centre of WA in Yokine with a $500,000 boost for upgrades.

Perth is home to an estimated 7,000 residents of the Jewish faith – approximately 2,500 of whom reside in the northern suburbs of Coolbinia, Dianella, Menora and Yokine.

Established in 1974, the Jewish Community Centre represents a major hub for the local Jewish community. The Centre, run by volunteers is a hive of activity, providing office space for Jewish community service providers, space for social and cultural activities, as well as the local Holocaust Institute.

Safety and security have been of increasing concern for the local Jewish community.

Labor’s funding commitment will deliver a range of capital works which will allow the Centre to offer maximum amenity, opportunity and support to the Jewish and broader community.

These will include general renovations, as well as security upgrades such as CCTV, bollards and increased lighting arrangements.

Labor’s commitment to the Centre will benefit the vast array of local Jewish community organisations who utilise the centre in Perth, Stirling and across the state.

“This community centre should be a safe place for people of the Jewish faith to practice, learn, and live,” Member for Perth, Patrick Gorman said.

“While it thankfully has been safe in the past, these upgrades will give members of Perth’s Jewish community peace of mind.

“It has been a privilege to work with members of the Jewish Community Council for the last year to progress and deliver this important commitment from Labor,” said Mr Gorman.

Labor’s Candidate for Stirling Melita Markey said she is proud that Federal Labor will deliver for the local community.

“I’ve been working with local State Member Simon Millman on this commitment for over a year and I am proud to deliver for our community with this important commitment.”

“I’m grateful for the support the local Jewish community has shown me. With some of the incidents of violence we have seen around the world recently, this is an important pledge from Federal Labor to help make sure our local community feels, and is, safe,” said Ms Markey.

This election is a choice between Labor’s plan for our local community or bigger tax loopholes for the top end of town under the Liberals.

After six years of Liberal cuts and chaos, our united Labor team is ready.



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