Media Release - Labor to deliver $5 million for multipurpose veterans' hub

Speaking with former RSL WA president Graham Edwards and WA Veterans Issues Minister Peter Tinley.

Speaking with former RSL WA president Graham Edwards and WA Veterans Issues Minister Peter Tinley.


  A Shorten Labor Government will invest $5 million towards a multipurpose veterans’ hub at ANZAC House in Perth, providing greater support to veterans, ex- service personnel and their families.  

 The Western Australian State Labor Government announced earlier this year that it would provide $4.6 million towards constructing and developing a dedicated veterans centre.  

 Our veterans and ex-service personnel have served in the ADF for all Australians. It is a core responsibility of the Commonwealth Government to support veterans and their families through hubs like ANZAC House.  

A Shorten Labor Government will invest $5 million in this central multipurpose hub to recognise the contribution which our ADF personnel have made in their service.  

 Labor’s $5 million commitment towards the development of the building will complement critical State Labor Government funding, bringing total funding to $9.6 million, which will upgrade and fit out the veterans’ hub.  

 The hub at ANZAC House will be a unique hub in Perth, offering veterans and their families a one-stop-shop of services tailored to the veteran community.  

Perth is home to a large community of current and ex-service personnel and their families, with more than 28,000 DVA clients in Western Australia and a number of critical Defence bases, including Campbell Barracks and HMAS Stirling.  

 Today’s announcement has been made after thorough consultation with stakeholders, including the WA RSL and the Western Australian State Government.  

 Labor is committed to supporting our veterans, ex-service personnel and their families through tangible outcomes.  

Labor has announced a number of policies that focus on increased support for our service personnel as they transition into civilian life. Labor’s comprehensive suite of policies will invest more than $267 million, including: our $121 million comprehensive Veterans’ Employment Policy, our commitment to signing a Military Covenant and developing a Family Engagement and Support Strategy. 

Labor can make all these commitments and better support our veterans because we are making the tough decisions to make multinationals pay their fair share and close unfair tax loopholes. 

If you want better support for our veterans, not more tax loopholes for the rich – vote Labor.  



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