Government Threatens Another Costly High Court Case

The Government needs to rule out using the High Court to cover for their failures on vaccination and quarantine in Western Australia.

A year after the Morrison Government wasted $1 million supporting Clive Palmer’s failed border challenge in WA, the new Attorney General has again raised the suggestion of High Court action to overrule health advice.

In an interview in The Australian today, Cash said there were expectations Mr Palmer or others could make another attempt to overturn state border closures through the courts.

Shadow Assistant Minister for Western Australia Patrick Gorman said the Attorney General’s comments proved the Liberals had learnt nothing in the last year since backing Clive Palmer.

“Michaelia Cash should remember she is a Senator for Western Australia, not New South Wales.”

“Former Attorney General Christian Porter claimed his advice was the hard border was unconstitutional. The High Court proved him wrong.”

“Senator Cash needs to not make the same mistake that Christian Porter made and attack Western Australia’s decision to keep our people safe.”

“Western Australians expect a Federal Government that is on their side, not on the side of Clive Palmer.”

“Australia needs more vaccines, not more High Court action.”


Transcript - ABC Radio Perth - Wednesday, 1 September


Morrison Spins About His Support For Clive Palmer, Twice