Morrison Spins About His Support For Clive Palmer, Twice

Scott Morrison has been caught misleading Parliament and Western Australians, denying the Federal Government supported Clive Palmer in the High Court to tear down the State’s health measures.

Today Prime Minister Scott Morrison stood in the House of Representatives and denied that he had supported Clive Palmer in the High Court.

STEPHEN JONES: The question is to the Prime Minister: Why did the Prime Minister support Clive Palmer's High Court case to tear down the West Australian borders?

SCOTT MORRISON: Again, Mr Speaker, the member must be misinformed because the Commonwealth did not pursue that case. The Commonwealth did not pursue that case. It's erroneous to suggest that that is what the Government did. The Government did not pursue that case at all. We did not pursue that case.

This is a lie. Western Australians remember what Scott Morrison did.

The Prime Minister and his then Attorney-General Christian Porter spent more than $1 million on their decision to back Clive Palmer instead of the people of Western Australia.

When confronted with the details, the Prime Minister again misled the house.

ANTHONY ALBANESE: My question is to the Prime Minister: It goes to his answer just previously, where he suggested the Federal Government had nothing to do with Clive Palmer's court case against the WA government just last year. Isn't that not true? Isn't it a fact the Federal Government incurred costs of $770,000 for the Government Solicitor, $66,000 for experts and $41,000 to Clive Palmer as a result of the intervention in the case? Why does this Prime Minister never accept responsibility?

SCOTT MORRISON: Mr Speaker, I said the Government didn't pursue the case. That's exactly the truth of the matter.

In 2019, Scott Morrison took the preferences of Clive Palmer.

In 2020, he backed Clive Palmer in the High Court.

Now in 2021, he is name-calling and misleading Western Australians.

It is time that the Prime Minister caves in and apologises to Western Australians.


Government Threatens Another Costly High Court Case


Morrison's Week of Contempt for Western Australia