My Question to the Prime Minister on Child Care

Mr Gorman: Bec from Perth is a solicitor and a mum of two who only works three days a week because she says working four days a week left her worse off under the Prime Minister's childcare scheme.

Bec's family has a combined income of $193,000. Why did the government rack up a trillion dollars of Liberal debt but do nothing to help women like Bec get ahead by taking on extra hours during the Morrison Recession?

The Prime Minister: I'm asked about why the government, has increased the debt? At this time Mr Speaker, that was that was the question I was just asked. Mr Speaker I was asked about childcare and I have given answers already.

Thank you Mr Speaker. I was asked about childcare under our policy 84 per cent of families are not impacted by the caps in our policy and the threshold kicks in and around $350,000 dollars a year for a family. They're the caps that kick in for our policy. Our policy is means tested Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker that is our policy that we put in place that saw childcare costs come down since then but I am asked why we have made the investments that we have? The leader of the opposition often makes this point Mr Speaker. I'll tell you why we've invested at this time, because there is a COVID-19 pandemic that has stripped the jobs and livelihoods and many cases lives away from Australians. Now this might be a mystery to the leader of the opposition. I've heard how he talks about the recession Mr Speaker and if you don't understand how the country got into recession, then you don't have a clue about how to get out of it Mr Speaker. And that is the failing of this leader of the opposition. This leader of the opposition walks around this country as if there has never been a pandemic.


Every Australian Family Should Have Access to Quality Early Childcare


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