Liberals Go Back to Backing Clive Palmer

Federal Liberals have again sought to attack Western Australia’s border closures, calling for the Federal Government to again challenge the State Government’s right to protect Western Australians.

Speaking today on Sky News, LNP Senator Gerard Rennick called on Scott Morrison to again follow in Clive Palmer’s footsteps and take Western Australia to the High Court to challenge the state protecting its citizens through border closures.

RENNICK: Well, I’m sure the Federal Government would love to have a greater say in this, but ultimately we are driven by the decisions of the States. I mean I’m not happy about that, but that’s the way it works. We can’t stop states from locking down. We can’t stop states from quarantining.

CONNELL: Not if you challenge it in court,. There’s plenty of people suggesting you could override this type of power.

RENNICK: Look, we can take it back to the High Court again I guess. Clive Palmer took it there last year and lost. I was a bit surprised about the decision personally. I personally would like us to take it to the High Court and just see if we stop borders from being closed. I don’t want to get into an argument about constitutional responsibilities.

The comments come almost a year since Prime Minister Scott Morrison took the advice of former Attorney General Christian Porter to side with Clive Palmer against the state of Western Australia.

Shadow Assistant Minister for Western Australia Patrick Gorman said the admission from Senator Rennick was proof the Liberals were saying one thing to Western Australians and another to the rest of Australia.

“The Federal Liberals cannot be trusted to be on the side of Western Australians,” Mr Gorman said.

“They will use any opportunity to be on the side of the likes of Clive Palmer and Christian Porter.

“Senator Rennick’s threat to Western Australia is more proof the Federal Liberals are out of touch with our State.”



Transcript - Sky News with Tom Connell - Thursday, 17 June 2021


Transcript - Sky News with Tom Connell - Thursday, 3 June 2021