Peter Dutton Backs Millionaire Over Western Australians

Defence Minister Peter Dutton has chosen another millionaire over the health of Western Australians, backing in a lawsuit against WA by Flight Centre boss Graham Turner.

In another example of a Morrison-Joyce Government Minister standing against Western Australia, Peter Dutton told the Today program this morning Mr Turner’s proposed lawsuit against Queensland, Western Australia and Tasmanian border closures were a “fair enough position”.

KARL STEFANOVIC: Flight Centre boss Graham Turner is threatening legal action over border closures, Pete. Queensland, WA and Tassie. Is that something you’d support?

PETER DUTTON: I think it is a fair enough position that he is taking.

The comments are another example of the Morrison-Joyce Government attacking Western Australia, after Scott Morrison, Christian Porter and the Liberals sided with donor Clive Palmer last year to attempt to tear down the Western Australian border.

This year, the Prime Minister also called Western Australians “cave people” and NSW Liberals are trying to take back our fair share of GST.

Western Australian Senator and Attorney General Michaelia Cash, and other Western Australian Liberals, must stand up for Western Australia and oppose Mr Dutton’s comments.


Transcript - Doorstop - Perth - Sunday, 3 October


Transcript - Television Interview - Sky News with Tom Connell - Thursday, 16 September 2021