Media Release: Perth wants a National Indigenous Museum; 200 Years of Perth Survey results released

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Media Release: Perth wants a National Indigenous Museum; 200 Years of Perth Survey results released

SUNDAY, 31 MAY 2020

Perth residents have backed a national museum of Indigenous Art and Culture as their number one option to recognise the city’s bicentenary at the end of the decade, Perth MP Patrick Gorman has revealed. 

The 200 Years of Perth Survey  showed that many Western Australians were enthusiastic to have their say on how Perth should recognise this milestone in 2029. 

“As a community we should ask ourselves how our bicentenary can contribute to our economic recovery over the next decade,” Mr Gorman said. 

“One simple idea is to announce a large scale construction project to recognise the milestone.”

“We need to start this discussion as a community now, in order to have a consensus for when we decide on the bicentenary project or projects.”

Of the responses, the most popular outcome was the construction of an Indigenous art and culture museum (52.8%). 

First Nations recognition was a common theme for many respondents, eager to highlight the past, but also recognise where Perth is 200 years after the Swan River Colony was first established. 

Fewer than one third of those who completed the survey supported a bid for the Commonwealth Games in 2030, with residents saying this would create chaos in the city and surrounding suburbs. 

Scale was important for survey respondents - large, visionary projects were well supported, with a number of write-in responses supporting a land bridge between Parliament House and St George’s Terrace - a “Bicentennial Square”, to be built. 

An artist’s drawing of what the Bicentennial Square could look like.

An artist’s drawing of what the Bicentennial Square could look like.


The 200 Years of Perth Survey was run between July and December 2019 on Patrick Gorman’s website, with 668 responses from all over the Perth metropolitan region.


  • An Indigenous art museum – 52.8%

  • A large scale art work across the city – 36.9%

  • Bid for the 2030 Commonwealth Games – 29.6%

  • Host a Festival of Perth - 49.4%

  • Give a commemorative gift to each WA baby born in 2029 – 14%


  • Indigenous recognition in our Constitution – 63.5%

  • Become an Australian Republic – 37.7%

  • Have a plan for 100 per cent renewable energy – 73.6%

  • Free early childhood education for all families – 50.7%

  • Lower the voting age to 16 – 18.8%


  • Support for Indigenous recognition in several forms, including a museum of Indigenous Culture and Art, 

  • Celebrate with a large scale festival. 

  • Free or subsidised transport to travel around WA

  • Support for bridging the Freeway between St Georges’ Terrace and Parliament House to create a “Bicentennial Square’


  • Something big for next 200 years - new Kings Park or some big investment

  • It needs to be lasting after the bicentennial.

  • A large scale artwork across the city

  • Construct a truly iconic building, like the Sydney Opera House.

  • I would like to see Perth doing some bold and world class both in projects/events

  • Any large city shaping stand alone infrastructure project.

  • A significant monument, on the scale of Statue of Liberty or Eiffel Tower with open space around it so that it can be appreciated.


  • Celebrates the diversity and talent of the people of Perth. Inclusive of all cultures, ages, genders, races, sexuality and religions

  • Consult elders so….” our indigenous people and all people who have chosen WA as their home can celebrate this event.”


  • Celebrate the past 200 years and how far we've come since then, while still acknowledging and apologising for all of the atrocities done to the indigenous population.

  • Bring the settler and Aboriginal communities together with a shared vision for the future.

  • All towns having a relevant local language Aboriginal co-name. Such a project would help to restore pride and awareness in our original cultures and very possibly bring to light strategies that we can reintroduce to reverse much of the damage we have done. 


  • Anything that reflects what WA actually is, rather than the old stuffy propaganda image

  • It should be a celebration of what Perth is NOW.  The whole melting pot.


  • Perhaps not so much an indigenous art museum but a museum of indigenous culture and reconciliation

  • A First Nations museum, not just an Art Museum as suggested. It needs to be something special and be in a special place (Elizabeth Quay, East Perth Power Station, Esplanade)

  • Give proper recognition to the Indigenous people who properly looked after this land for eons before our arrival.

  • Recognise the land we all live on and depend on, and would like opportunities to learn more about it and how the Aboriginal people have cared for it for so long.

  • Open a Swan riverfront development to acknowledge the natural and indigenous beauty and celebrate the lifeblood of our city.


  • Building over and also under the Mitchell Freeway in front of the WA Parliament building from Mount Street up to Roe Street. Making this public space for all Western Australians as a great civic place. And reconnecting West Perth with Perth.


  • A green strip/belt of land that allows a huge walk around the CBD and all inner Perth without leaving grass/trees. 

  • Give money to Kings Park and other native bushlands to go towards conservation. This is done well at Kings Park but not in many other bushlands. Our unique flora and fauna is what makes WA special, so this is how we should celebrate.

  • A place where people can gather on the river.

  • A tree planting program to keep our city cooler.

  • A project to ensure and enshrine public open spaces. This would involve perpetual protection for bird and animal habitat. Perth is losing its greenbelt. Kings Park is not enough!


  • Bidding for 2030 Commonwealth Games be held right here In WA

  • I'd like to see HBF Park hold 40 000 people at least so it is World Cup compliant - Perth Glory deserve a proper stadium!

  • IAAF World Championships


  • Encourage people to hold street parties in their suburbs.

  • Encourage neighbourhoods to celebrate in their streets.

  • More local history records made (appeal to residents to have their own documents and photos to be added to online records- offer a certificate of participation)

  • Not a festival of Perth but an Indian Ocean festival connecting WA from the Kimberley to Esperance to Indonesia, East African and South Africa for culture and trade.

  • I think Perth should have a big festival which celebrates the past 200 years and how far we've come since then, while still acknowledging and apologising for all of the atrocities done to the indigenous population.


Transcript - Radio Interview - 6PR Mornings - Monday, 1 June 2020


Transcript - Radio Interview - 100.0FM Noongar Radio - Friday, 29 May 2020