Media Release - Leederville to be home to Perth Music Hub under Labor

Shadow Minister for the Arts Tony Burke and Patrick Gorman MP with young musicians at Leederville YMCA HQ.

Shadow Minister for the Arts Tony Burke and Patrick Gorman MP with young musicians at Leederville YMCA HQ.


 As part of Labor’s Soundtrack Australia Music Policy, Tony Burke, Shadow Minister for the Arts, today announced that if elected, a Shorten Labor Government will commit $1 million to the City of Vincent to establish a music hub.

To be located at the popular YMCA HQ site near Oxford Street, the hub will be a central place for the community and for music, encouraging young musicians and youth to engage, come together and revitalise an existing resource.

Music hubs will increase music in our community. One of the biggest barriers for younger musicians is having a space to practice together.

This funding will help the City of Vincent set up a music hub where students and musicians in the local area can come, learn, collaborate and practice.

“Labor wants to realise Australia’s potential, to go from a music nation to a music powerhouse, and as part of Australia’s first national music policy, we will invest in music hubs in communities,” Patrick Gorman said.

“Music hubs will provide a place for young musicians to write, to learn, to practice and to jam. They provide soundproof studios, access to instruments and equipment. They will make sure young people don’t need money to make music.”

Tony Burke said “the commitment we have announced today is aimed at boosting every aspect of Australian music. We want Australian music to be heard, Australian artists to stay in the industry, and the next generation to be inspired.

“We believe in what our songwriters, musicians, performers and music industry do. We think it matters. Our Australian soundtrack matters. Let’s turn up the volume.”

As part of the music hub program, the hubs can also seek funding for instruments to be provided and will have ongoing access to mid-career artists, teachers and trainers provided through music programs such as APRA AMCOS’ SongMakers.

This means that some of Australia’s best songwriters and producers will mentor students to create and record new music, right in the communities they live in.

Additionally, a key role of teachers and trainers will be to help increase participation and diversity in music.


Authorised by Noah Carroll, ALP, Canberra


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