About Me.

I entered Parliament to turn Perth’s local values into national results. 

You and I know exactly what makes Perth special. This is a passionate, vibrant community with strong values. 

That’s what I see every day living in North Perth with my incredible wife Jess and our two children, Leo and Ruby.

My Family.

I marched for Aboriginal land rights before I could walk. My mum and dad, Wendy and Ron, would take me along in the pram to regular marches through the streets of Perth in the 1980s.

To this day, I continue to use my voice for reconciliation.

Mum and Dad were both teachers who believed in social justice. They instilled those values in me.

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities that this country has afforded me. Grateful that the Whitlam Labor government opened up our universities, ensuring that my parents met at Claremont Teachers College

As the son of two teachers and a kid who suffered from chronic asthma, I know how important protecting Medicare and making education available for everyone is.

My Background.

I have spent my life developing public policy solutions to improve the lives of all Australians.

That might sound boring, but it is also really important.

Because government done well is a force for incredible good. 

I received an excellent education right here in WA, graduating with a Master of Business Administration from the University of Western Australia and a Bachelor of Social Science from Curtin University.

Working with Kevin Rudd when he was Prime Minister showed me the power of reconciliation through The Apology.

As a proud Australian, I was pleased to help repair Australia’s international relationships while delivering nation-building policies like the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Paid Parental Leave.

I led the campaign that delivered the election of the WA Labor Government. Ending the privatisation of Western Power, beginning the METRONET build and putting WA jobs back at the heart of government decision-making.

I have also seen the damage that happens when the Liberals and the Greens team up for their interests against the national interest. We saw it when they voted to block 30,000 homes from being built and when they voted together to stop the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

Local Values. National Results.

As your local member and as Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister, I work to deliver on our values of democracy, opportunity and fairness. 

Delivering opportunity through Fee-Free TAFE places at every one of our local TAFE sites.

Housing Australians – including building 219 homes right now on Pier Street in Perth.

Building a fairer society by cutting taxes and lifting wages for working families.

Protecting the vulnerable by investing in Medicare, Childcare and Aged Care.

Strengthening democracy by opening the National Anti-Corruption Commission and ending the secret ministries scandal.

Planning for the future through strong climate action and our Future Made in Australia Plan.

Assistant Ministries.

I have seen the transformative power of good government to uplift lives.

I have also seen the damage caused by destructive and irresponsible Liberal governments.

That’s why I am proud to be part of the Albanese Labor government, which is widening the doors of opportunity in our society.

As Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister, I support the Prime Minister and his government to deliver for all Australians. That includes helping drive our legislative agenda, ensuring robust policy through the Office of Impact Analysis, recognising outstanding Australians through honours policy and the National Australia Day Council. I serve on the Parliamentary Business Committee and Government Communications Subcommittee of Cabinet.

As Assistant Minister for the Public Service, I ensure our public service can support the Australian people who are there to serve. My work is focussed on the APS Academy, our Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Strategy and the Remuneration Tribunal as part of our ambitious APS reform agenda. 

As Assistant Minister to the Attorney-General my portfolio responsibilities include Marriage, the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, the Open Government Partnership, the Australian Financial Security Authority and the Government’s Safe and Responsible Artificial Intelligence Agenda.

Practical Plans for Perth.

I believe that politics isn’t about sounding good. It is about doing good.

That’s why I am proud of what we have delivered right here in Perth.

Our Government is building our city through the ECU City Campus, WACA redevelopment, the Aboriginal Cultural Centre and our Electric Bus Network.

Our national plans are helping households across Perth. To name just a few changes that I have been proud to support in Parliament this term:

Legislating for net zero by 2050 and for more renewable energy and cleaner cars.

Making medicines cheaper at every pharmacy in Perth.

Getting wages moving again, including three increases to the Minimum Wage.

Opening the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

Introducing FEE-free TAFE places at every TAFE college in Perth.

Increasing Rent Assistance for nearly a million households.

Giving every Australian taxpayer a tax cut – not just some.

This is good for Perth and good for every Australian.